Segmentation data points

Segmentation engines allow you to apply conditions to your data using filters. Depending on the data object, filters are available for attributes and other reserved Totango data points. When creating and saving segments, you can also add data points as columns to further refine your data set.

Data points are available for the following data objects:

  1. Accounts
  2. Users
  3. Totango users
  4. Tasks
  5. Touchpoints

Account segmentation

The following account data points are available to use, grouped by dimension.

  • Items marked with a yellow asterisk (*) represent reserved data points that are not visible in Data Modeler and are automatically managed by Totango.
  • Items marked with a purple asterisk (*) are available as a premium feature with a related add-on (i.e., opportunity management , extended data retention, or Totango In-App).
  • Some items can be added as a column from a filter but are not otherwise available/editable in the column editor (see Edit column). Column names are noted in parentheses, if different from the filter name.
  • All editable columns from the account object are also available as columns in user and touchpoint segments
  • Metric values appear with a dash "-" if there never was a value recorded
    (null). The value appears as a "0" only if there was a previous
    value prior (not null).
Account Identity Filter by Edit column Column options
Account Type -
CRM System Account Id -
*Direct Parent
Sorting this column is not supported
- -
(Account id)
* Is not tagged - -
Name -
Other System Account Id -
*Parent Account Name - -
parent_id -
product_id -
Segment view displays product logo; segment export displays the product id

*Product Owned by Parent - -
*Tag List - -
*Tagged with Choose a tag
*Ultimate Parent
Sorting this column is not supported
- -
Account Master Data Filter by Edit column Column options
Company Domain -
Company Size -
Create Date -
Customer Journey Stage -
*Days in <lifecycle name> stage -
*Days in <lifecycle name> stage option - Choose a stage
Account Segment Filter by Edit column Column options
Industry -
Tier -
*Is in segment
(In segment)
Choose segment(s)
*Is not in segment
(Not in segment)
Choose segment(s)
Account Team Filter by Edit column Column options
*Account assigned to
Option to filter by "Logged-in User" in team, campaign, SuccessPlay segmentation
- -
<Name of account team role> -
**Totango Opportunity Created By - -
**Totango Opportunity Owner - -
Billing Filter by Edit column Column options
Last Payment Amount -
Last Payment Date -
Next Payment Due Date -
Outstanding Balance -
Payment Method Expiration Date -
Campaigns Filter by Edit column Column options
*Goal achieved by campaign - -
*Goal not achieved by campaign - -
*Not targeted by campaign - -
*Targeted by campaign - -
Contracts Filter by Edit column Column options
Cancellation Date -
Contract Renewal Date -
Contract Start Date -
Contract status -
Contract Value -
Contract Value Change Value | % Change
(In the last...)
Last Contract Value Change Date -
Licenses -
Status -
Trial Expiration Date -
Engagement Filter by Edit column Column options
Last Business Review Date -
Next Business Review Date -
General Filter by Edit column Column options
*Contract status change date - -
*Days in contract status - -
*Days in current status - -
health -
Last Reference Date -
*Previous contract status - -
*Previous status - -
Referenceability -
*Status change date - -
TouchPoint Default BCC Email -
Health Filter by Edit column Column options
Days in Good Health -
Days in Poor Health -
*Health last change - -
*Health Profile -
*Health Rank -
*Multidimensional Health Account Rank -
*Multidimensional Health Account Score -
*Multidimensional Health Rank -
*Multidimensional Health Score -
*Previous health rank - -
**Previous health rank [week ending] Enter a date
**Previous health score [week ending] Enter a date
In-App Filter by View column Column options
**Completions Of Experiences Last 30d - -
**Completions Of Experiences Last 7d - -
**Views Of Experiences Last 30d - -
**Views Of Experiences Last 7d - -
Onboarding Filter by Edit column Column options
*Days in Onboarding Stage -
*Days in Onboarding Status option - Choose status
*Days in Project Status -
*Days in Project Status stage - -
Onboarding Stage -
Project Status -
Opportunity Filter by Edit column Column options
**Days in Totango Opportunity Stage - -
**Days in Totango Opportunity Stage option - Choose status
Last_attribute_update_time - -
**Totango Opportunity Close Date - -
**Totango Opportunity Name - -
**Totango Opportunity Stage - -
**Totango Opportunity Type - -
**Totango Opportunity Value - -
Revenue Filter by Edit column Column options
*Churned Accounts - -
Conversion Likelihood -
*Days in Conversion Likelihood -
*Days in Conversion Likelihood option - Choose likelihood
*Days in Expansion Status -
*Days in Expansion Status option - Choose expansion status
*Days in Renewal Status -
*Days in Renewal Status option - Choose renewal status
*Downgraded Revenue - Current, Next, Previous, Specific
(Month, Quarter)
Expansion Status -
Forecast Amount - -
Forecast By - -
Forecast Contract Value - -
Forecast Due Date - -
Forecast Period -
Forecast State - -
*Lost Revenue - Current, Next, Previous, Specific
(Month, Quarter)
Order Booking Date -
*Purchase Scenario -
*Renewable Accounts -
Renewal Status -
*Renewed Accounts - -
*Renewable Revenue - Current, Next, Previous, Specific
(Month, Quarter)
*Renewed Revenue - Current, Next, Previous, Specific
(Month, Quarter)
*Upsell Revenue - Current, Next, Previous, Specific
(Month, Quarter)
Risk Filter by Edit column Column options
Business Change Reason -
Churn Reason -
Competitors in Account -
*Days in Escalation Status -
*Days in Escalation Status option - Choose escalation status
*Days in Risk Status -
*Days in Risk Status option - Choose risk status
Escalation Severity -
Escalation Status - -
Escalation Type - -
Risk Reason -
Risk Status -
SuccessPlays Filter by Edit column Column options
*Not targeted By SuccessPlay - -
*Targeted By SuccessPlay - -
Support Filter by Edit column Column options
Satisfaction score -
Ticket volume -
Top priority satisfaction score - -
Top priority ticket volume - -
Top priority unsolved tickets - -
Unsolved Tickets -
Tasks Filter by Edit column Column options
See tasks segmentation for options
Data points for tasks are available within the account, user, and tasks objects
Totango Usage Filter by Edit column Column options
First activity date -
Last activity date -
Touchpoints Filter by Edit column Column options
See touchpoints segmentation for options
Data points for touchpoints are available within the account, user, and touchpoints objects
Usage Filter by Edit column Column options
Active Days
(Number of active days)
Value | % Change
(In the last...)
*Active Days (7d) (Avg)   Value | % Change
(In the last...)
Active Users
(Number of active users)
Value | % Change
(In the last...)
*Active Users (7d) (Sum) Value | % Change
(In the last...)
By Activity -
(Did Activities)
(In the last...)
By Module -
(Did Activities)
(In the last...)
DAU/MAU Value | % Change
(In the last...)
*First activity date -  
*Last activity date -  
Overall time spent -
Usage frequency -
Usage Frequency Value | % Change
(In the last...)
*User Actions - -
WAU/MAU Value | % Change
(In the last...)
User Info Filter by Edit column Column options
All reports - -
Direct reports of - -
Direct reports who are not managers of - -
Utilization Filter by Edit column Column options
Enabled Users -
Engagement -
License Utilization -
*License Utilization (7d)(Avg) Value | % Change
(In the last...)
Purchased License Consumption Value | % Change
(In the last...)
Voice of the Customer Filter by Edit column Column options
Customer Sentiment -
Work data points are updated every ~20 minutes
Filter by Edit column Column options
*Actual Task Effort in Hours All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Completed tasks
Completed date = not null
All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Created tasks All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Last SuccessFlow Date Choose a flow
*Last Touch -
*Number of engagements Choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Number of Objectives -
*Open Tasks
Completed date = null
All flows or choose a flow
(Due in...)
*Overdue Tasks
Task due date < today
All flows or choose a flow
*Touchpoints All flows or choose a flow
*Plan Summary - -
*Touchpoints (In the last...)

User segmentation

The following user data points are available to use, grouped by dimension.

  • Items marked with a yellow asterisk (*) represent reserved data points that are not visible in Data Modeler and are automatically managed by Totango.
  • Items marked with a purple asterisk (*) are available as a premium feature with a related add-on (i.e., Totango In-App).
  • Some items can be added as a column from a filter but are not otherwise available/editable in the column editor (see Edit column). When available, column names are noted in parentheses, if different from the filter name.
  • All editable columns from the account object are also available as columns in user and touchpoint segments.
  • Metric values appear with a dash "-" if there never was a value recorded
    (null). The value appears as a "0" only if there was a previous
    value prior (not null).
Campaigns Filter by Edit column Column options
*Campaign Unsubscribe
(User Unsubscribe or Marketing Unsubscribe)
*Did Not Open Campaign Email - -
*Engaged With - -
*Goal Achieved By Campaign - -
*Goal Not Achieved By Campaign - -
*Not targeted By Campaign - -
*Opened Campaign Email - -
*Targeted by campaign - -
General Filter by Edit column Column options
User Unsubscribe -
In-App Filter by View column Column options
**First Viewed Experience - -
**Last Viewed Experience - -
**First Completed Experience - -
**Last Completed Experience - -
**First Quit Experience - -
**Last Quit Experience - -
**Last Active In-App - -
**Experience Views
(In-App Experience Viewed)
(In the last...)
**Experience Completions
(In-App Experience Completed)
(In the last...)
**Experience Quits
(In-App Experience Quit)
(In the last...)
**In-App [total] - (In the last...)
**Engaged with Experience Step - -
**Reached Experience Step - -
**Time Spent Viewing Experience - -
**Responded To Survey Question - -
**Submit NPS Score - -
**Submit NPS Feedback - -
**Launched Checklist - -
**Completed Checklist - -
**Completed Checklist Item - -
**Completed Checklist Item Reason - -
SuccessPlays Filter by Edit column Column category
*Not targeted By SuccessPlay - -
*Targeted By SuccessPlay - -
Support Filter by Edit column Column options
Satisfaction score -
Ticket volume -
Top priority satisfaction score - -
Top priority ticket volume - -
Top priority unsolved tickets - -
Unsolved Tickets -
Totango Usage Filter by Edit column Column options
First activity date -
Last activity date -
Touchpoints Filter by Edit column Column options
See touchpoints segmentation for options
Data points for touchpoints are available within the account, user, and touchpoints objects
Usage Filter by Edit column Column options
Active Days
(Number of active days)
Value | % Change
(In the last...)
By Activity -
(Did Activities)
(In the last...)
By Module -
(Did Activities)
(In the last...)
First activity date - -
Last activity date - -
User Identity Filter by Edit column Column options
First Name -
(User id)
*Is not tagged - -
Last Name -
Name -
*Tagged List -
*Tagged with Choose a tag
User Master Data Filter by Edit column Column options
Account Role -
Address -
Browser -
Campaign Bounced Date -
Campaign Bounced Reason -
Contact -
Country -
CRM Contact -
Device -
Email -
Key Contact -
Marketing Unsubscribe -
Name -
Organization -
OS -
Phone Number -
Region -
Timezone -
Title -
User Segment Filter by Edit column Column options
*Is in segment - -
*Is not in segment - -
Voice of the Customer / General Filter by Edit column Column options
CSAT Score -
CSAT Score Comment -
CSAT Score Response Date -
High CSAT Score Reasons -
Low CSAT Score Reasons -
Relationship NPS - -
Relationship NPS Comment - -
Relationship NPS Response Date -

Totango user segmentation

The following account data points are available to use, grouped by dimension.

  • Items marked with a yellow asterisk (*) represent reserved data points that are not visible in User Management and are automatically managed by Totango.
  • Some items can be added as a column from a filter but are not otherwise available/editable in the column editor (see Edit column). Column names are noted in parentheses, if different from the filter name.
  • Metric values appear with a dash "-" if there never was a value recorded
    (null). The value appears as a "0" only if there was a previous
    value prior (not null).
Totango Usage
Usage data points are updated once daily
Filter by Edit column Column options
Refer to default Totango user usage metrics (if enabled). -
Work data points are updated every ~20 minutes
Filter by Edit column Column options

*Actual Task Effort in Hours

All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Completed on-time tasks All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Completed overdue tasks All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Completed tasks
Completed date = not null
All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Created tasks All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
*Open Tasks
Completed date = null
All flows or choose a flow
(In the next...)
*Overdue Tasks
Task due date < today
All flows or choose a flow
(In the next...)
*Touchpoints All flows or choose a flow
(In the last...)
User Master Data Filter by Edit column Column options
Address -
Country -
Create Date -
Email -
Phone Number -
Region -
Timezone -
Title -
Use Avatar Link -
Allocation Filter by Edit column Column options
Allocation -
Availability -
User Identity Filter by Edit column Column options
External Id -
First Name - -
Last Name - -
License -
Manager External Id -
Manager Id -
Status -
Teams - -
Totango Role -
General Filter by Edit column Column options
Hobbies -
Instant Messaging Id
- -
Remote Calendar Link - -
Alternative Email Address Filter by Edit column Column options
'From' Alternative Address -
'Reply To' Alternative Address -

Tasks segmentation

The following user data points are available to use, grouped by dimension.

  • Items marked with a yellow asterisk (*) represent reserved data points that are not visible in User Management and are automatically managed by Totango.
  • When available, column names are noted in parentheses, if different from the filter name.
  • Click a column value to open the related task in a pop-up window.
  • "Instance" refers to the unique objective or SuccessPlay associated with one of your customer accounts, once created from a SuccessPlay or objective template.
  • "Template" refers to the source objective or SuccessPlay template in the SuccessBLOC from which an instance of the objective or SuccessPlay is created and tied to a customer account. If you see an ID in the template value, you do not have permission to view the source objective template or SuccessPlay.

As with any attribute update, there may be a delay before the change is displayed within segmentation. For example, if you update an overdue task and mark it as completed, it may still appear in a task or account segment, for up to one day, when filtering by overdue tasks.

Tasks Filter by Edit column Column options
*Account ID -
*Objective Category -
*Objective Created By -
*Objective Created Date -
*Objective Description -
*Objective End Date -
*Objective Template
(Objective ID)
*Objective Instance ID -
*Objective Last Updated By -
*Objective Last Updated Date -
*Objective Instance Name -
*Objective Owner -
*Objective Start Date -
*Objective Plan Status -
*Priority -
*SuccessBLOC Team
(SuccessBLOC Team ID)
*SuccessPlay Description -
*SuccessPlay Due Date -
*SuccessPlay Flow -
*SuccessPlay Template
(SuccessPlay ID)
*SuccessPlay Instance ID -
*SuccessPlay Owner -
*Task Assigned By -
*Task Assigned To -
*Task Completed Date -
*Task Created Date -
*Task Due Date -
*Task Flow -
*Task ID -
*Task Last Updated Date -
*Task Status -
*Task Title -
*Task Updated By -

Touchpoints segmentation

The following user data points are available to use, grouped by dimension.

  • Items marked with a yellow asterisk (*) represent reserved data points that are not visible in User Management and are automatically managed by Totango.
  • Click a column value to open the related touchpoint details in a pop-up window.
Touchpoints Filter by Edit column Column options
*Touchpoint Create Date -
*Touchpoint Creator -
*Touchpoint External Participants -
*Touchpoint External Participants Role -
*Touchpoint Internal Participant Role -
*Touchpoint Internal Participants -
*Touchpoint Reason -
*Touchpoint Subject -
*Touchpoint SuccessFlow -
*Touchpoint Type -
*Touchpoint Update Date -
*Touchpoints -

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