Create and manage campaigns

Who can use this feature?

  • Global admins, SuccessBLOC owners, and collaborators
  • Users have view access to SuccessBLOCs that are published to a team; additional access permissions to individual SuccessPlays, campaigns, canvas, and objective templates vary.
  • Available on all plans

Campaigns allow to automate communication to your customers via timely emails.

In addition to sending information to customers, a campaign is a powerful tool for building further automations based on:

Campaigns are sent to contacts / users associated with an account. See: Prepare campaign targets.

Create a new campaign

Create a campaign from the Campaigns tab in a SuccessBLOC. You can create a new campaign using a template or by copying an existing campaign. Copied campaigns include all design elements and campaign settings, including schedule, business rule preferences, and customer touch preference.

Global admins define organizational defaults for campaigns under Settings > Customer Engagement > Campaigns). You can override these preferences per campaign.

  1. Open the SuccessBLOC you want to use.
  2. From the Campaigns tab, click + Create a Campaign.

    You can also create campaigns from the Canvas tab within a card.

  3. From the list of templates, choose a starter template that matches your intent, or click Create your own.

    Templates appear in the theme colors chosen in global settings.

    The campaign designer opens. If you started from a template, you may see alerts for mandatory fields. Ensure that you define fallbacks or other settings based on your own preferences.

  4. Make updates to design and campaign content.

    See: Design a campaign.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Enter a campaign name and description, and choose a flow

    The name is not the subject line of the campaign; it's for internal reference.

  7. Click Save.
    The campaign overview settings appear.
  8. Configure campaign settings. See campaign details below.
    • Configure subject and sender(s).
    • Configure target user segment.
    • Set details for the schedule and choose when to start.
    • Define a goal.
    • Configure advanced settings.
  9. Click Preview & Test to send a draft to yourself or another reviewer. Verify the contents is formatted correctly and that all link(s) work as expected. 

    Depending on your plan, preview recipients may be limited to email addresses within your authenticated domain.

  10. Make edits as needed. Click to save as draft and come back later.
  11. When all errors are resolved and you're ready to send according to the schedule specified, click Activate.

If you choose to start the campaign immediately, it will send right away (see Schedule options). The campaign will also appear on the canvas under an unmapped track or a selected card.

Copies of campaigns also appear in the following areas for all team members with account access:

Campaign details

Sender and subject

  • Subject: Short subject line that catches the recipient's attention. Optionally add dynamic data and/or emojis. 
  • Preview Text: Optional text to insert after the subject that appears in the recipient's inbox. Preview text provides additional context for why the recipient should open the email.
  • From: Determine who the email will be denoted from, which also determines who receives any replies to the email.
    • Role sends the campaign dynamically with respect to the Totango user assigned to the account that receives the campaign.
    • Team member sends the campaign from the same person (not dynamic).
    • Custom allows you to set a new name and email address that is not a Totango user.

      When sending by role, enter a fallback sender name and email address to use in the event the recipient's account does not have an assigned user for the selected role.

  • CC: Add a team member (role or named) or custom address who will receive a copy of the email and be included for Reply All actions.  
  • BCC: Add a team member (role or named) or custom address to blind copy. Because BCC is sent for every email sent, it's recommended to use this option for campaigns with a small target audience (e.g., BCC the CSM on an account overage email).

Target user segment

  • Segment: Choose a user segment from which to start. Anytime filter changes to the referenced segment occur, the changes apply to active campaigns that use that segment. However, emails are sent only to people who qualify for the new criteria, who did not already receive the email.
  • Custom criteria: Add account or contact filter criteria in lieu of a segment or to further refine the targets. A common filter to add to ensure you don't send to users who have unsubscribed is "User Unsubscribe excludes yes." Learn more.

After the campaign is sent, you can use campaign filters in segmentation: "Targeted by / not targeted by campaign" and "Opened / did not open campaign email." Note special considerations for using these filters in the context of deduplication or with recurring campaign schedules.

Users that belong to more than one account are automatically deduped. See: Email uniqueness and deduping


Campaigns do not send until the campaign is activated. Additionally, Totango does not adjust schedules for daylight saving time (DST). To ensure campaigns send according to your desired start time during DST, we recommend that you set the scheduled time 1 hour ahead of your expected start time (where applicable).

  • One time: Send the campaign one time according to the start time, immediately or specified date and time (requires a selected time zone). 
  • Ongoing: Send the campaign every time an account or user matches the selected criteria (e.g., anytime an account enters onboarding). Start evaluating campaign triggers immediately when activated or on a specified date and time (requires a selected time zone). End campaign never or specified date and time. 

    Ongoing campaigns have an additional option to re-send to the same user after a defined number of days, often used for CSAT campaigns and events where the likelihood of having the same participants and asking for feedback is common (e.g., QBR meeting or training event.

  • Recurring: Send the campaign on a designated schedule (e.g., the first of every month). Choose the recurrence cadence (weekly or monthly) and the specified day (M-F for weekly, 1-28 for monthly). Requires a selected time zone. End campaign never or specified date and time. 

    If the recurring day of the week or month is before the start date, then the system waits till the next time frame to fire the first campaign. If the selection is after the current calendar start date, then the first campaign fires on the start date specified, with subsequent recurrences on the selected time frame. For example, if start date is June 22nd and the monthly option with monthly recurrence option of day of the month as 25th, then first campaign will run on June 22nd with the next occurrence on July 25th, and so on. 

  • Business Hours: All schedule options business hours options. Business hours allow you to control the hours that your campaign emails are delivered to ensure they are more likely to be read during timeframes personalized to the target audience (e.g., working hours).

    Business hours allow you to choose up to 72 consecutive hours for emails to be held for delivery. See more for applying business hours at the campaign level.


One of the key advantages of using Totango campaigns is ability to set goal achievement criteria that are more meaningful than typical engagement metrics (delivered, opened, clicked on a button). For example, consider an email inviting someone to register for an event. The campaign can track the recipient's engagement with the registration button/CTA (in the body of the email), and separately can track a goal for whether the recipient actually registered (outside of the email).

  • Description: Enter a short description of the goal to view in campaign summaries and filters
  • Criteria: Choose an account or user filter and the value you want to inspect to determine if goal was met, such as usage data / activity, is in a particular segment, or an attribute value changed. 

After the campaign is sent, you can use the Goal achieved / goal not achieved filters in segmentation.


  • Domain authentication: If your global admin hasn't configured domain authentication, you'll see a reminder here.
  • Customer touch. Choose to enable/disable the campaign from being counted as a customer touch, which counts the campaign send in "Last Touch" filters. These campaigns do not display on the account timeline, and they will not be counted under the number of "Touchpoints" segment filter.
  • One-click unsubscribe: Enable one-click unsubscribe in the header of the email campaign. Learn more.

Edit a campaign

You can edit campaign settings and design for any campaign that is in draft or inactive status.

  • Once a campaign is active, you must temporarily deactivate a campaign prior to editing.
  • If a campaign is in archived status, you must unarchive it before editing.
  • You cannot edit campaigns that were 1) sent with a one time schedule or 2) ongoing/recurring campaigns that have ended, but you can copy them.
  1. Locate the campaign you want to edit.
  2. If the campaign is active, click the option to Deactivate (pause button). Click to confirm.
  3. Click on the campaign to view and edit campaign settings. To edit campaign design, click inside the campaign body to open the campaign designer.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Preview & Test to send a draft to yourself or another reviewer. Verify your changes appear the way you expected.

    Depending on your plan, preview recipients may be limited to email addresses within your authenticated domain.

  6. Click Activate when you're ready for the campaign to be sent again.

Archive a campaign

Archiving a campaign allows you to apply an Archived status in order to remove old campaigns from your campaign view. You can un-archive campaigns anytime.

  1. Locate the campaign you want to archive.
  2. Click the Ellipses (...), and click Archive

The campaign status is now set to Archived, which you can use to filter your campaign view.


Question: How does the campaign scheduler service process the delivery of a campaign that relies on other campaigns that use an ongoing schedule?

Answer: Imagine you have a campaign (Campaign B) that has send criteria only if first targeted by several campaigns: Campaign A1, Campaign A2, and Campaign A3. Totango's campaign scheduler service first looks to see if Campaigns A1, A2, or A3 are being actively delivered. If any of them is, the scheduler postpones delivery of Campaign B—to avoid sending it in case the target segmentation is affected by the processing of Campaigns A1, A2, or A3. The scheduler does this check up to 30 times, and every time increases the waiting interval. It's possible that at any given moment, at least some of those targeted campaigns will be in processing, resulting in a never-ending postponing of Campaign B. Therefore, we recommend avoiding (or at least being considerate when) basing the "targeted by" condition on several active ongoing campaigns simultaneously. 

Question: Do campaigns truly get executed "immediately" when that scheduling option is selected, or is there a built-in delay?

Answer: Yes, campaigns configured to be sent immediately will get sent right away, unless there are campaign/team or service level business hours set, and the activation time falls outside of the business hours.

Question: When the segment criteria on an ongoing campaign is edited, do emails get sent again?

Answer: No, the emails are sent only to people who qualify for the new criteria, who did not already receive the email.

Question: If a user enters the segment of the ongoing campaign again, is the email sent again?

Answer: No, an ongoing campaign is sent to a user only once no matter how many times the user exits and enters the segment criteria.  

Question: If a user exits and enters the segment of a recurring campaign again before it is scheduled to be sent, will the email be sent?

Answer: Emails from a recurring campaign are only sent when they are scheduled to be sent. In this case, since the user enters the segment before it is scheduled to be sent, the email will not be sent immediately. Eventually, if the user continues to stay in the segment when the campaign is scheduled to be sent, then the email will be sent to the user at that point.

What happens when the frequency cap for a user is reached? 

  • One Time Send Campaigns: When a user meets the campaign criteria, but also exceeds the frequency cap, the campaign will not be sent. 
  • Ongoing Campaigns: When a user meets the campaign criteria, but also exceeds the frequency cap, the campaign will not be sent. Ongoing campaigns run every 60 minutes, checking for users that should be targeted. Eventually the user will get the email once the frequency cap is not a factor. 
  • Recurring Campaigns: When a user meets the campaign criteria, but also exceeds the frequency cap, the current iteration of the campaign will not be sent. If the user qualifies and is still a match during the next iteration, they will receive the email. 

Question: If a receiver of my campaign clicks reply, who will that reply go to?

Answer: The reply will go to the email of the person that you set as the sender of the campaign, or the fallback in cases with the sender role does not exist. 

Question: Can I use "no-reply" as a sender of a campaign so that customers cannot reply to an email?

Answer: Use the custom "From" option and then enter the no-reply email address as the fallback.

Question: Why is the sender of my campaign coming out with quotations around it?

Answer: If the sender has a title that is separated by a comma (example: Jane Doe, Executive Director), the sender will be shown in quotations (example "Jane Doe, Executive Director"). If you prefer not to have the quotations, then simple remove the comma between the name and title.

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