Who can use this feature?
- Global admins or users with advanced permissions
- Available on all plans
Roles allow you to define what Totango functionality is available to your team members. You can set different roles for users when switching between teams.
Account assignment roles are special types of roles to indicate ownership of an account.
Understand default roles
Totango includes the following default roles. You cannot modify default roles.
*The global admin role is built-in. You can apply global admin access from within a user's profile (Global Admin check box).
Role | Description |
Global admin* |
Use all functionality of Totango and manage all access. Not available for users with a Contributor or Viewer license type. |
Regular user | Use all functionality of Totango as allowed by the license type, excluding exceptions defined within User Management > Permissions (see below). |
Team admin |
Same as regular users, including the ability to access a "Team Settings" menu from the left nav, which allows for the following:
Team admins cannot modify team account set or edit user profiles. |
More global / team admin comparisons
Global admin | Team admin | |
Create and delete teams | ✓ | - |
Define team account set | ✓ | - |
Add Totango users to teams | ✓ | ✓ |
Remove team members | ✓ | ✓ Only for their team |
Add new Totango user | ✓ | ✓ Only by inviting to their team |
Deactivate Totango user | ✓ | ✓ Only if the team member belongs to that one, single team |
Edit a Totango user profile | ✓ | - |
View all users | ✓ For all teams |
- |
Navigate to different teams | ✓ Only to teams to which they belong |
✓ Only to teams to which they belong |
Change color, avatar, and team goal | ✓ | ✓ |
Create a custom role
You can configure custom roles to define permissions per user, per team.
- From Settings, expand User Management > Teams.
- On the Roles tab, click +Add Role (or duplicate an existing role).
- Add a display name and description, which helps identify what the role is used for.
- Click Create Role.
Apply a role to a Totango user
For each team a user belongs to, apply the role that will apply to the user when switching between teams.
Users with a Contributor license are always tied to the "Regular User" role (not available for custom roles).
- From Settings, expand User Management > Totango Users.
- At the bottom of the profile, apply the preferred role under each team. Note the custom role "Creator" in the example below.
- Click Save.
You can also apply team roles via file upload or by assigning a default team role when adding members to a team from within team settings.
Define permissions for a role
Once a role is created, decide which permissions apply to the role. Set permissions for the following categories:
- Account
- Application
- Global settings
- Subscription
- From Settings, expand User Management > Permissions.
- For each of the below permissions to configure, set the following options:
- Only specific roles (define which roles apply; includes custom roles or account assignment roles)
- Every member of the team
- Everyone in account assignment
- No one (only available to global admins)
- Click Save.
A user's license type determines whether a permission is applicable. You cannot add functionality to a team member beyond the scope of the user's license. For example, the option to allow creation of touchpoints for "every member of the team" would not apply to any Viewer users on that team.
Looking to give a user the ability to edit campaigns or SuccessPlays within a SuccessBLOC? Refer to capabilities for SuccessBLOC collaborators. Any Practitioner can be added as a collaborator.
Account permissions
Account permissions can apply to users with a Practitioner license (formerly Spark). Individual permissions can apply to users with a Contributor license (formerly Zoe) where noted. These settings do not apply to users with a Viewer license.
Tasks: Decide who can create, update, delete tasks or run a SuccessPlay Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ (where applicable) | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Account information: Decide who can update account attributes (including journey stages), forecast, account assignment, collections, and about the company on account profiles Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘/✓ (with exceptions*) | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
*Contributors cannot edit attributes on the account profile (some exceptions apply). Contributors can edit attributes in segment views. |
Touchpoints: Decide who can add, update and delete touchpoints Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
*If set to "no one," no touchpoints are created, including touchpoints created from email or Touchpoint Connect. |
Account configuration: Decide who can update the account layout, visibility and widget configurations of the account Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Contacts: Decide who can add, update, and delete a contact Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Share accounts with contacts: Decide who can share account details with contacts Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Application permission
All application permissions can apply to users with a Practitioner license (formerly Spark). Individual permissions can apply to users with a Contributor (formerly Zoe) or Viewer where noted.
SuccessBLOC: Decide who can create SuccessBLOCs and access specific data in SB. Users who are invited as SuccessBLOC collaborators can edit contents of the BLOC, regardless of any of the "Access" options below. (Refer to caveat for ability to manage active SuccessPlays.) Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✓ (read only) |
Permissions |
*By default, this permission is enabled for users with a "Team Admin" role. |
Segments: Decide who can create, read, and edit segment related settings Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ (with limitations) | Viewer ✓ (with limitations) |
Permissions |
*By default, this permission is turned off. **By default, this permission is enabled for users with a "Team Admin" role. |
Filter scorecard by individual team's members: Decide who can view other CSMs performance on the scorecard Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Executive console: Decide who can access Executive Console from the left navigation Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✓ (no Revenue Center) |
Permissions |
Global SuccessBLOC: Decide who can access Global SuccessBLOC from the left navigation. Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✓ (read only) |
Permissions |
*By default, these permissions are turned off. |
Zoe: Decide who can create impact steps and share on Zoe. Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Bulk edit: Decide who can edit attributes with bulk operation in segments Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
*By default, this permission is enabled for users with a "Team Admin" role. |
Create new account: Decide who can create new accounts in the system Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
*By default, this permission is enabled for users with a "Team Admin" role. |
Run standardized reports: Decide who can run standardized reports Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✓ (read only) |
Permissions |
Attribute visibility: Choose who can see attributes, custom metrics, and hierarchy rollups that have been marked as "hidden." Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✓ | Viewer ✓ |
Permissions |
Create new opportunities: Decide who can create new opportunities in the system Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Totango AI: Decide which users can access Totango AI features Practitioner ✓ | Contributor ✘ | Viewer ✘ |
Permissions |
Global settings permissions
Global Settings permissions can apply to users with a Practitioner license (formerly Spark) only.
General settings: Decide who can update general settings | |
Permissions |
Engagement: Decide who can access and update engagement related settings | |
Permissions |
Data management: Decide who can access and manage data related settings | |
Permissions |
User management: Decide who can access and manage Totango user related settings | |
Permissions |
Subscription permissions
Subscription permissions apply to users with a Practitioner license (formerly Spark) only.
Subscription modification: Decide who modify the subscription | |
Permissions |
Question: Can I edit a role name if the role is already applied to users?
Answer: The role will automatically update across all users where it is assigned.