Who can use this feature?
- Global admins, SuccessBLOC owners, and collaborators
- Users have view access to SuccessBLOCs that are published to a team; additional access permissions to individual SuccessPlays, campaigns, canvas, and objective templates vary.
- Available on all plans
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the industry standard for measuring customer loyalty of your brand and predicting growth. The campaign designer includes an NPS component to collect and measure surveys for your NPS program.
About NPS
NPS asks recipient's to rate how likely they are to recommend a product, service, or company to a friend using an 11-point scale:
- Promoter: Gives a score of 9 or 10
- Passive: Gives a score of 7 or 8
- Detractor: Gives a score of 0 to 6
From all survey responses, total NPS is calculated using the following formula:
NPS = % of Promoters - % of Detractors
NPS scores range from -100 to 100. Industry averages vary by industry.
Many companies rely on NPS to run Voice of the Customer (VOC) programs. We recommend starting with the Run VOC Programs SuccessBLOC to use starter campaigns for sending NPS and conducting follow-up.
Configure NPS campaign design
An NPS campaign requires you to define an NPS attribute. Global admins can create new NPS attribute types in Data Modeler. You can also create a new NPS attribute type from within the campaign designer.
- Create a new campaign using an NPS template (feedback category), or edit an NPS campaign from your SuccessBLOC.
- From campaign settings, click on the campaign body to open the campaign designer.
- Within the campaign designer, add a new NPS component, or click on the component if it already exists.
- From the Design tab, choose the NPS survey metric (attribute), which will store the recipient's survey response.
- If you need to create a new NPS attribute type, click +Create New.
- Choose a display name and dimension.
- Click Save.
- Additional NPS attributes are automatically included:
- [Attribute Name] Response Date: Stores date of response
- [Attribute Name] Comment: Stores the recipient's optional comment
- Configure the additional details for the survey flow to provide context for the survey flow, which can support multiple languages.
- Comment question in NPS destination page
- Confirmation message
- Pre text for selected score
- Change score's text link
- Submit button text
- Click to preview the feedback page
- Click Save.
Configure NPS campaign settings
After configuring campaign design, adjust the campaign settings for subject and sender(s), targets, schedule, and goal. Consider the following best practices:
- Keep your target list to a size that corresponds with effort your team is capable of for handling feedback, factoring in an average response rate of 10-25%. If there are too many users, consider sending it to only a set of users per month or quarter so you are not inundated with all the feedback at once.
- If you want to send different campaigns to different groups, use the same NPS attribute for all the campaigns ensures that you can compute the overall NPS across the responses.*
- Avoid sending loyalty surveys to users who have recently been introduced to your brand, as they are most likely going to ignore the survey.
- Set the goal criteria to the NPS attribute of the campaign (any value) to consider the campaign successful if a recipient completes the survey.
*Keep in mind that NPS attributes reside on the user object, which means they do not retain history. It's best practice to disable your NPS campaign after your desired response window closes for all groups, so that you can ensure the existing responses aren't overwritten later. When ready to target the same recipients again, consider copying the campaign and creating a new NPS attribute to capture the latest scores. You may even want to rename original attributes or move data (see FAQs).
NPS campaign flow
After activating an NPS campaign, the user flow is as follows:
- User clicks a rating from within the email.
- A new browser tab opens with a summary of response and a comment box.
- Upon submit, a thank you page appears.
View NPS responses
NPS responses are viewable in several areas within Totango.
Campaign performance metrics
Engagement metrics include a summary of the selected NPS metric.
Account profile
If the account layout is configured to display NPS responses, you can view results for one or more survey, filtered by time period.
User profile
A snapshot of individual NPS score and comment is available on the user profile.
Any segment that includes a filter criteria for the selected NPS attribute shows score in the segment summary.
Add a KPI with a numeric visual type that reference the NPS attribute as the metric. The selected segment must be a user segment. Aggregation is count or NPS.
Load external NPS data into Totango
If you are already running your NPS campaign outside Totango, you can bring your raw NPS user data into Totango, and Totango will compute the overall NPS.
Importing and integrating data is available to global admins or users with advanced permissions to Customer Data Hub. Creating an NPS attribute within the integration is not currently supported, so you must ensure there is an NPS attribute in Totango prior to loading from an external system.
- Download the NPS data (from the other system) to a local file.
- Open the data file in Excel (or other spreadsheet application), and ensure there are columns for the following:
- Account ID
- User ID
- [NPS attribute name]
- [NPS attribute name]_comment
- [NPS attribute name]_response_date
If you are uploading users who aren't already in Totango, you may also want to include attributes for Email, Name, First Name, Last Name, Contact, and Key Contact. Otherwise, you only need to include the attributes that you want to update. Learn more about attributes for users.
- Ensure there is an NPS attribute type in Totango to store the NPS value. If not, create a new one in Data Modeler.
- Upload the local file in Customer Data Hub using these steps.
- Ensure that you choose the Users object.
- You can map any column from your source file to any NPS attribute in Totango.
Question: I want to move the NPS values in Totango from one attribute (Relationship NPS) to another NPS attribute (Relationship NPS Prior Year). How do I that?
Answer: If you have access to Customer Data Hub, you can upload values from one attribute by mapping the source field to a different NPS attribute in Totango. Here's how:
- Create a user segment in Totango for all of the data you want to move. Ensure the segment includes columns for Relationship NPS, Relationships NPS Comment, and Relationship NPS Response Date.
- Export the segment data to a local file (CSV).
Upload the local file within Customer Data Hub, and be sure to choose the Users object. Within the mapping, choose the new NPS Totango attributes:
- Relationship NPS --> Relationship NPS Prior Year
- Relationship NPS Comment --> Relationship NPS Prior Year Comment
- Relationship NPS Response Date --> Relationship NPS Prior Year Response Date
- Validate the mapping, and preview the data.
- From the Settings section of the integration, clear the options to allow Totango to create new accounts and/or users during the upload.
- Save the upload, and validate that you can view the NPS data within the new attribute.
- If you want to additionally clear the values from the original attributes (Relationship NPS, Relationships NPS Comment, and Relationship NPS Response Date), you'll need to clear the values within your CSV file and upload the file again, this time mapping to the original Totango attributes. Totango does not allow clearing some NPS values in bulk from segments.
- user sample NPS.csv226 Bytes