Prepare campaign targets and signatures

Who can use this feature?

If this is the first time your company is using campaigns in Totango, we recommend the following best practices for preparing to use campaigns.

Audit user personalization data

Campaigns require you to specify one or more targets, which represents a person associated with one of your customer accounts. See Understand user profiles.

All user profiles in totango have the following required attributes:

  • Email (API Name: Email)
  • Account id

We recommend ensuring your target user profiles have additional personalization attributes populated with values, including:

  • First Name (API Name: firstName)
  • Last Name (API Name: lastName)
  • Other attributes you may want to use for segmentation or personalization of campaign content

It's not recommended to use "Name" in campaign personalization, which is a display name, often a concatenation of first and last name. 

If using an attribute as dynamic data in campaign content, you can specify a static fall back value to use in the event a matching user profile does not have the value populated.

Update marketing unsubscribe preferences

Your data admin can sync your previously collected marketing unsubscribe preferences to Totango so that users who have set those preferences via your marketing automation system don’t get Totango campaigns.  

This is not best practice because Totango campaigns are not considered the same channel as marketing communications. Therefore, a user who unsubscribed from your marketing program emails should not be automatically unsubscribed from your customer success communications.

Nevertheless, to update this marketing unsubscribe preference, set the Marketing Unsubscribe attribute for a user to yes. The user will be excluded from all Totango campaigns.

User subscription preference must always be entered in lowercase values (yes, no).

Global admins can update preferences in bulk via import. Manage all users with Marketing unsubscribe and Totango unsubscribe settings within Settings > Customer Engagement > Campaign Settings > Unsubscribe users.


How to unsubscribe campaign targets

Totango offers its own unsubscribe functionality (User Unsubscribe), separate from marketing unsubscribe preferences (see above).


When you design campaigns, the default footer includes an unsubscribe link. (If you disable the footer, we recommend that you add an unsubscribe link somewhere in your campaign body.)

If a recipient clicks that link and unsubscribes, Totango automatically sets a hidden attribute (Campaigns Unsubscribe) to yes, which automatically sets the User Unsubscribe attribute for that user to "yes" under every account with which it is associated. You can optionally manually set the User Unsubscribe attribute by user request.

Going forward, Totango automatically filters out unsubscribed users from campaign target lists.

The segment filter Campaigns Unsubscribe is a reserved filter with values: "Has" or "Has not" unsubscribed from campaigns. This value is set automatically when a user unsubscribes from a campaign.

Unsubscribe has no impact on touchpoint emails or segment notifications.

How to resubscribe campaign targets

To resubscribe one of your users, clear the User Unsubscribe attribute (see above).

We recommend manually resubscribing upon request. Alternatively, campaign recipients can resubscribe on their own if they locate the original email from which they unsubscribed.  

Update Totango user personal signatures

The signature component within the campaign designer provides options for sending from the company's signature or sender's signature. If a campaign creator chooses sender's signature, Totango dynamically populates the signature of the sender (either named or by role).

Prior to enabling campaigns with this option, ensure your Totango team has updated their signatures. Otherwise, Totango uses the default signature for the user, which does not include contact information. Here are the steps you can ask your team to take:

  1. Log into Totango. 
  2. From the profile drop-down, click Edit Profile.
  3. Modify your information and signature.

    Cut and paste your signature from your email client to retain formatting.

  4. Click Save.


Question: How do I see a list of users who have unsubscribed from any of my campaigns?

Answer: Create a user segment with the Campaign Unsubscribe filter set to "Has" unsubscribed:

The Campaign Unsubscribe filter includes anyone who has User Unsubscribe or Marketing Unsubscribe set to true (see above). If you'd like to see those data points, edit the columns of your segment to include them.


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