Number and currency filter options

Who can use this feature?

Number, currency, and NPS/CSAT score attributes allow the following options within segmentation:

  • Between
  • Less than or equal
  • Greater than or equal
  • Exact
  • Any value
  • No value
  • 0 or No value

Use number filters

  1. Within a segment, campaign, SuccessPlay, or other segmentation engine, click to add a filter.
  2. Locate the number attribute you want.
  3. Optionally use the slider scale or input values manually that you want to query on. The slider scale displays distribution of results. Examples:
    • Contract Value between $55,000-70,000. 
    • Company Size does not exist (e.g., no value is entered).
  4. Click Apply Filter to view the matching records.

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