Import Totango users

Who can use this feature?

To manage a large number of Totango users, Totango supports bulk upload using a file integration. You can add new users or update existing user information.

Prepare the upload file

Create a CSV file with the Totango user information that you want to import into Totango.

Use the following starter template. Please note that user licenses for Practitioner and Contributor must be named Spark and Zoe, respectively, in the import file. Import of users with a Viewer license is not supported. 

The file must contain the required attributes (outlined here). Include other Totango user attributes as needed, including custom attributes for Totango users. Special considerations include:

  • You cannot modify the Totango Role system attribute.
  • You cannot modify Status system attributes. Totango updates the System value automatically based on the value within the Is Active attribute.
  • You cannot modify a user's team role.

Invite or update Totango users via file upload

  1. From Settings, expand User Management > Totango Users.
  2. Click + > Invite Bulk Users.
  3. The New Totango Users integration screen appears.
  4. From the Select Data Source area, upload your CSV file of Totango user data.
  5. In the Map and Format Data Fields area, ensure every column from your CSV file (left column) is mapped appropriately to a Totango Users attribute (right column). The source field for primary key should be mapped to whatever column in your CSV file is used for the email address.
  6. Click Validate Mapping.

    If the mapping failed, review the error and modify your file (see below). Re-upload the file and repeat the mapping process again until validation succeeds.

  7. From the Settings area, give the integration a name and optional description. Choose which Totango notifications to send via email upon upload:
    • New users get an email invitation
    • Team members added to a new team get an email invitation to the team
  8. Click Save and Upload.

Totango starts the job and provides status updates when complete. View the new / updated information within the user's profile(s) from the Totango Users screen.

Validation mapping errors

Totango performs the following validations prior to accepting an upload:

  • File related validation (causes a file upload failure):
    • The file is empty
  • Structure related validation (causes a file upload failure):
    • Incorrect file structure
    • A mandatory column is missing
  • Data validation (causes a file upload failure):
    • Empty value: Empty value in specific rows for a required column. Only relevant for Email, First_Name, Last_Name, and License columns
    • Incorrect value: Incorrect value in specific rows for a reserved value. Only relevant for the License column.
    • Incorrect value: Incorrect team names in specific rows. Only existing team names can be used. Only relevant for teams column.

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