Release Notes - Ver 20.291 - January 14, 2025

Add a segment table component to your campaigns

Use a segment table component to enrich your customer emails with key segment data related to service utilization, product adoption metrics, and relevant renewal dates.

Unique to segment tables, you can optionally set some filter conditions based on dynamic data, which provides powerful insight into multiple account or contact records in one email.

Suggested uses

Use segment tables to streamline customer communications for the following scenarios:

  1. Subsidiary contract renewals approaching: Show the key contacts at headquarters (parent / ultimate parent company) all of the upcoming renewals for the subsidiary accounts (children companies).
  2. Top users of a particular feature: Show the key contacts at all subsidiaries (sibling companies) the the top 10 users with the most usage among Product 3.

To create a segment table, simply add the Segment Table component of a campaign:

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Set default reassignment for user resources

When a Totango user is deleted or disabled, it's best practice to reassigned the resources they own (e.g., campaigns, SuccessPlays, SuccessBLOCs, etc.) to a new owner. To prevent asset loss during user deactivation or deletion when a replacement user isn't specified—such as for batch deletes or when deleting a user via SCIM APIyou can now set automatic behavior for resource reassignment.

Under Settings > User Management > Totango Users > General Settings, choose the rule the system should apply if a replacement owner isn't specified:

  • Delete: Delete assets owned by the user
  • Reassign: Automatically reassign the owner's assets to the assignees specified, in the order of priority you choose. If no assignees are defined, or if all assignees are invalid, the system will assign the deleted user's assets to a randomly selected global admin.

New column for touchpoint external participant role

You can now add a column for Touchpoint External Participants Role to touchpoints segments. Previously, this segmentation data point was not available to view as a segment column. 

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