Configure hierarchy roll-ups

Who can use this feature?

Hierarchy roll-ups allow you to display aggregated values on parent accounts from child accounts. Hierarchy roll-ups apply to the account object only.

Suggested uses

Hierarchy roll-ups are a tool to help you gain insight into adoption, utilization, and other key metrics to help you communicate value and identify expansion across all levels of an account. Examples include:

  1. Roll up contract value to see the total contract value at the parent account level
  2. Roll up active users of each sub-account at the parent level
  3. Roll up usage of a particular feature across all installs at the parent level to track adoption

You can use hierarchy roll-ups just like other attributes to take action. Examples include:

  • Create a segment that shows all the accounts with the number of logins trending downward by 20% in the last 14 days across all the products.
  • Notify the Success Manager when users stopped using a product’s feature across all departments.
  • Run a SuccessPlay to trigger a cross-sell opportunity notification when a parent account that bought Product A and has more than 10 active users but did not buy product B.
  • Run a weekly email campaign or SuccessBeat to a key stakeholder at the parent account with the number of new projects created by the entire organization.

Create a hierarchy roll-up

Build roll-ups using any of the following (account-level):

  • Numerical attributes
  • Engagement metrics
  • Usage metrics
  • Custom metrics*

*As an example, if you want to aggregate the number of logins, you first need to define a custom metric of “count number of logins in the last 7 days” and then define a roll-up.

  1. From Settings, expand Data Management > Data Modeler.
  2. From the Account Information tab, click +Add Account Attribute.
  3. Click Hierarchy Roll-up.
  4. Configure properties for the attribute:
    • Roll-up from: Choose the metric that you want to roll up.
    • Formula: Choose from Sum, Average, or Sum and Average.
      If you choose both, two options will be available for segmentation and profile display. mceclip3.png
    • Dimension: Choose the dimension for categorization purposes.
    • Visibility: Choose to make this attribute hidden.
  5. Click Save.

Once saved, you can use this attribute in health configuration, segments, reports, and account profiles (profile header or value metrics).

It may take up to 10 minutes for the system to reflect the new metric.

Segmentation options include value or % change (yesterday, in the last 3, 7, 14, 30, 90 days).

Depending on the formula chosen, profile display options include "Show value for current account" (editable), "Show roll-up value as sum" (not editable), or "Show roll-up value as average" (not editable).


Edit a hierarchy roll-up

You can edit the roll-up properties or formula anytime. The roll-up will recalculate from the point you save the roll-up and going forward. 

Known limitations

  • When aggregating the number of active users, Totango does not “dedupe” the same users of different child accounts.
  • When aggregating an average of license utilization, Totango does not average total seats used divided by total seats sold. It averages the actual license utilization of the different children.
  • In case you already provided Totango with pre-calculated roll-ups and stored them under the same attribute name in Totango, you should not use Totango's roll-ups as it will skew the results.
  • If the account hierarchy changes (e.g., an account is added/removed as a child of another account) the roll-up value won't update immediately. It will be recalculated during the next nightly system refresh. 


Question: When looking at the historical trend of a roll-up on a parent account, it shows from a certain date (from January 2022 for example), while on the child account there is metric data from September 2021.

mceclip3.png  mceclip1.png
Answer: A possible cause can be that the parent_id attribute on the child account was only updated from February. You may need to do a historical upload for the missing months (September 2021 until January 2022). You may find a report helpful to indicate when the parent_id was first updated on the child account (segment contains the term parent_id:the parent id and a report presents the trend):

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