Who can use this feature?
- All users
- Available on all plans with hierarchy configured
If your company usesmulti-level account and product hierarchies, you can view contacts and customer engagements across all account types within the hierarchy.
Navigate a multi-level hierarchy
A multi-level hierarchy refers to an account structure that has more than 1 level. Each lower level is referred to as the "child" of its "parent" level. If enabled, you can navigate the account structure in a breadcrumb trail (e.g., profile banner).
If a parent has sub-account records of 100 or more, Totango provides a search box within the hierarchy drop-down and groups sub-accounts by account type.
The current level is highlighted in green. At parent levels, you must select a profile from the next available child level in order to see further down the hierarchy (e.g., not all child levels are visible from the ultimate parent view).
Accounts in a canceled status will not appear under a parent drop-down. Additionally, child accounts nested under product accounts will not be viewable in the hierarchy navigation. Learn more.
View contacts across a hierarchy
By default, the list of contacts in the Contacts widget shows those that are directly associated with the current account type.
Use the View, Roles, and Search boxes to view and engage with all contacts in an account hierarchy, regardless of which account type you're currently viewing.
Unified contacts prevents your team from having to create duplicate contact records at multiple levels of a company hierarchy. You can also link tasks and touchpoints to any contact in the company hierarchy.
Sort the timeline
Use the Timeline on account profile to see history of account activity. The timeline has multiple hierarchy filters that enable you to hone in on the most important information about an account quickly and easily.
These filters include:
- Current Account: Display only events that are linked directly to the account that you are currently viewing.
- All Accounts: Display all events across all accounts within a given account family.
- All Parents: Display all events from (1) the account that you are currently viewing and (2) all events from all accounts that are at higher levels of the hierarchy.
- Direct Parents: Display all events from (1) the account that you are currently viewing and (2) all events from the parent account (defined by the parent_id attribute).
All Children: Display all events from (1) the account that you are currently viewing and (2) all events from all accounts* that are at lower levels of the hierarchy.
*Applies only to accounts within your allowed account scope.
- Direct Children: Display all events from (1) the account that you are currently viewing and (2) all events from all accounts that have the current account's ID in the parent_id attribute.
- Account Type: Select specific account types that you'd like to see timeline events for, regardless of their level in the hierarchy.
- Products: Select specific products that you'd like to see timeline events for, regardless of their level in the hierarchy.
View hierarchy indicators in event headers
Unless you are looking only at the current account, in the header of every event, you will see the Account Type and the Parent Account of the account where the event was logged. This makes it easy to understand which hierarchy level a given engagement was logged. It is especially helpful when you have three or more levels in your account hierarchy.
The number of tasks returned in the timeline is limited to 2000. This limitation was put into place to help manage timeline performance.