Monitor work focus

Who can use this feature?

Team spotlight allows you to analyze individual and team performance within a configurable dashboard view.

Accounts with a "Canceled" or null contract status are not included in Team Spotlight.

View performance on task completion

The Work Focus tab within Team Spotlight allows you to view team and individual tasks over time or within particular stages of the customer journey. Use this dashboard to quickly identify where team members are spending most of their time and identify opportunities to improve consistency for completion and timeliness.

Managers may also find this dashboard helpful to guide one-on-one discussions or uncover trends within team meetings. See view in TV mode.

  1. From the left nav, click Team Spotlight (under Executive Console)
  2. On the Work Focus tab, use the drop-down to select from the following options:
    • Team role: Choose the account assignment team role you want to view.
      • Team Spotlight displays users across teams if the team members have account set(s) in both teams.
      • If any accounts included in the dashboard are missing an assignment for the selected role, an indicator appears at the top of the dashboard. See more.
    • Team pool: If team pools are enabled for dynamic task assignment, choose to view team members assigned to a selected pool.
    • Manager: If employee hierarchy is enabled, choose to view view team members by manager.
  3. Choose the time period (today, current week/month/quarter/year, last 7 days/week/month/quarter/year, custom range).

    The system returns tasks where the due date is before the end date selected in your filter. In some cases, the number of tasks shown here may vary from the number of tasks returned in a tasks segment because tasks segments return all tasks up to one year; team spotlight does not have the same limitation.

  4. Optionally download data to CSV.
  5. Optionally filter by flow to view particular areas of focus within the customer journey.
  6. In the team summary, view combined metrics for the following:
    • Work focus: Distribution of tasks by flow for the selected period. Hover on the gauge to view the distribution of the tasks in numbers and percentages.
    • Task completion: Completed tasks versus all tasks that should have been completed in the selected timeframe. Hover over the gauge to view tasks completed on time (before the due date) and completed overdue (after the due date).
    • Open overdue: Number of open tasks past due in the selected period
    • SuccessPlays worked on: Number of SuccessPlay with tasks completed in the selected period
    • Tasks weekly trends: View weekly task trends over the selected period, completed vs. open

  7. In the individual summary, view metrics for tasks by each team member. All metrics from the team summary are included. Optionally click on column headers to sort.
  8. Hover or click on individual summaries to view more details on task completion, on time and overdue.
    • Completed on time: Completed before the due date
    • Completed overdue: Completed after the due date

Sort the column headers to view trends in duration, or optionally download for more analysis.


Refer to Totango Users segments to see more data related to team member activity within Totango.


Question: My Team Spotlight is empty, and the message says, "None of the accounts have a Success Manager___tid assigned." How do I fix it?

Answer: Team Spotlight shows accounts that have a Totango user assigned to an account assignment role. Also ensure that your accounts have a contract status set (not "Canceled" or null).

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