Monitor usage for all accounts

Who can use this feature?

  • All users with access to Executive Console can use Usage Monitor and see activity for accounts within the team scope
  • Global admins or users with advanced permissions can configure tracking of modules/activities
  • Available on all plans

The Usage Monitor provides two dashboard views for all user-level usage for all accounts. 

User-level usage (product instrumentation) collects data about user activity performed in some other system. With this type of data, you can view a stream of events per user and per module and action.

View the "Today" dashboard

The "Today" tab of the Usage Monitor shows you real-time activity for all active accounts with usage data within the team account scope. This dashboard is helpful for getting a quick pulse on how your users are using your applications in the moment.


Data in this widget is automatically refreshed every 10 seconds. The change (green arrow or red arrow) represents the change since the last 10 second refresh.

  • Accounts Online Now: The number of accounts online now
  • Users Online Now: The number of users online now of all active users
  • Time Per User: The average time spent per user

Activity Stream

View a running activity stream of all usage. Activity stream does not automatically refresh unless you specify "Auto refresh." Each activity shows the following:

  • User
  • Account
  • Module and count of module usage
  • Action(s) and count of action usage
  • Time relative to number of minutes have passed since the usage stream was collected
  • Online status

User-level usage is tied to a specific user (or person). For example, Lisa used your product’s Dashboard 3 times 28 minutes ago, and 1 more time after that. At the end of the day, assuming no more activity, the total count for Lisa's activity for this module would be 4.

Most Active Accounts Today

View a running tally of the top 10 accounts with the highest number of active users.

Most Active Users Today

View a running tally of the top 10 users with the most amount of time spent.

Popular Modules Today

View a running tally of the top 10 modules used by the most users.

Frequent Actions Today

View a running tally of the top 10 activities that have the most actions.

View the "Activities" dashboard

The "Activities" tab of the Usage Monitor shows aggregation of activity over time. This dashboard is useful for analyzing activity over different time periods.

Available time periods include:

  • Last 90 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 7 days
  • Yesterday


The change (green arrow or red arrow) represents the change since the previous comparable period. Hover over the bar charts to see details.

  • Overall Time Spent: The total amount of time spent in your tracked application(s)
  • Top Activities: The top 5 activities the most actions
  • Top Modules: The top 5 modules that have the most actions

Activities / Modules

View a list of all Activities and Modules that have tracking. The Change column represents the percent increase / decrease in total count from the previous comparable period.

  • Use the Filter to search for a module or activity by name.
  • Click a column header to sort in ascending/descending order.

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