Add new accounts using a form

Who can use this feature?

If your permissions allow, you may create accounts using a form within Totango.

The process for adding customer accounts in Totango is typically tightly enforced by your data admin; many businesses set rules for importing accounts from their CRM system or other integration. Admins can enable permissions under User Management > Permissions > Application Permissions > Create New Account.) 

Create a new account from My Portfolio

Start from the My Portfolio page to create a new ultimate parent or primary account.

  1. From the My Portfolio page, click the +Quick Actions bar > Create Account.
  2. With the form, enter the following information:
    • Unique Account ID
    • Unique Account Name
    • Choose the right Account Type
    • Enter other details on the form (e.g., Contract Value, Contract Start Date, Contract Renewal Date). Your admin can customize the attributes on this form
  3. Click Submit.

Create a new account from the account profile

Start from the account profile if you want to create sub-accounts under a primary account. (The sub-account widget must be enabled.)

  1. From the account profile that you want to add a sub-account for, the icon to add an account.
    With the form, enter the required details. The Parent ID is automatically populated. Your admin can customize the attributes on this form
  2. Click Submit.


Question: I entered wrong Account ID when I added an account to my portfolio. Can I change it?

Answer: The Account ID in is a system attribute that cannot be changed quickly in the UI. You could delete the account and then recreate it.

  1. Find the account in the archive and unblock it (delete).
  2. Wait ~10 minutes and add the account again with the right Account ID.

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