Upload data using an API endpoint

Who can use this feature?

Triggering an integration using an API endpoint allows you to start uploading your data to Totango immediately when your in-house data preparation process is finished. 

Generate the API endpoint

Generate an API endpoint to trigger from any scheduled integration.

The user API token credentials are verified when triggering a data upload job. Make sure to use a global admin user API token.

  1. Within Settings, expand Data Management > Customer Data Hub.
  2. Click View Integrations for the connection you want.
  3. From the list of integrations, click the Ellipses (...) and click Trigger API.
  4. Click Copy.

Consume the API endpoint

Use your company data flow tools (e.g., ETLs, scripts, queries, etc.) to embed the API endpoint trigger as part of the data flow. In the example below, the data upload job is triggered simply from a command terminal:

Trigger job API endpoint 2.gif


Question: Can I trigger a data upload job for a disabled job?

Answer: Yes. Triggering a data upload job works for active and disabled jobs.

Question: Can I configure a job to run every day and when my internal data collection ETL is finished, how can I define it?

Answer: Yes. Configure a job to run every day, and use the API endpoint to trigger it whenever your data collection ETL is done processing. 

Question: I started triggering a data upload job via API endpoint, will it change the job scheduling in Totango?

Answer: No, triggering a job does change the job configuration.

Question: If I make a change to a segment in Totango, do I need to re-generate the API endpoint to include the new segment fields?

Answer: Yes, you need to generate a new endpoint to include the new fields. The columns and filters are defined by a JSON payload. Generating an endpoint automatically builds this payload.

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