Update aggregated usage from a data file

Who can use this feature?

In addition to capturing usage activity via stream, you can import aggregated usage into Totango. Aggregated (or pre-calculated) data allows you to send Totango information on a one-time or recurring basis, such as from your company's data warehouse.

File requirements

  • Must be in CSV format.
  • Must include a column for Account ID and at least one data column.
  • Column header must be in the first row of the file.
  • The Account ID column cannot have blanks and cannot contain special characters, except underscore “_” and minus “-”).
  • Avoid duplicate rows per account (more than 1 row per account). Totango will handle only the last row for duplicate accounts entries.
  • User actions that include a comma in the name must be encapsulated in double quotes. For example, View,Report must be formatted as "View,Report"
  • There is no file size limit for recurring uploads. For one-time uploads file cannot exceed 50MB.
  • A file cannot contain more than 1000 columns.
  • All integers must be whole numbers, no decimals.

File format

The following preserved column names can be used for uploading usage metrics:

  • Daily active users
  • Daily total activities
  • Daily time spent in minutes

Additionally, include custom columns (<Module>##<Activity>) to upload your own metrics. The modules and actions can already exist in Totango or created dynamically by the integration.

Required (*) and noteworthy attributes include the following:

Attribute Description
Account ID* Every activity must be associated with an account.

Add a column header per module/activity pair. Column headers must follow this format: <Module Name>##<Action Name>. Format: string

The column values are the number of actions done. Format: number).

Daily active users The total number of unique active users for each account. 
Format: integer
Daily total activities The total number of activities that took place today for each account. Format: integer
Daily time spent in minutes The total number of minutes that users spent in your application for each account. Format: integer

Sample aggregation file

Use this account aggregation starter template (CSV) as a guide.

Aggregated usage data will be used to calculate Totango's value metrics, such as usage frequency and license utilization. Read more about product integration here.

The data you upload will be timestamped with the date and time of the upload.


Important considerations

  • Empty cells in the aggregated usage file mean that the previous value will be stored as today's usage, if there is no previous value, today's value will be zero.
  • Make sure there isn't any system log information generated at the end of your CSV file,  especially from when the data comes from other applications directly.
  • When updating attributes, make sure that the attribute column name holds the same capitalization as defined in Totango in the attributes page. Having different capitalization might cause data discrepancies.

How aggregations are calculated

Totango calculates the period usage aggregations for 1/3/7/14/30/90/180/365 days based on the daily usage information.

This information can be synced to Totango via product integration or account aggregated usage file or both (in this case, account aggregated usage information overrides the product integration information).

The usage aggregations for X days are calculated based on a sum function of the daily usage information uploaded. The only exception is active users aggregation, which is based on the max function.


Question: Can I upload the aggregated usage data every hour?

Answer: Totango supports uploads using various schedules (e.g., every hour to avoid massive data traffic in a short timeframe). The hourly data will be aggregated and processed once on the Totango daily batch process.

Question: I am sending clickstream information from 2 products to Totango, and want to send aggregated information about my 3 other products. Is it feasible?

Anwer: Yes! you can send usage information via clickstream information and upload an aggregated usage file to the same Totango instance. 

Question: Can I upload aggregated usage information for products that I am already sending Totango information about these products via clickstream information?

Answer: Yes, you can send usage information via clickstream information and upload an aggregated usage file to the same Totango instance. The information from the aggregated usage will override the information sent via product integration (at the specific metric level). For example, you can send the activity "view report" via product integration and the activity "create report" via aggregated usage file. In case the activity "view report" will be sent both via product integration and aggregated usage file, only the aggregated usage file"view report" activity information will be stored.

Question: When should I expect to see the aggregated usage in Totango applications?

Answer: The account usage aggregations will be accumulated all day and will be processed as part of the daily batch process (with all today's information). 

Question: Can I delete usage aggregation information?

Answer: You cannot delete usage information. Empty cells in the aggregated usage file mean that the previous value will be stored as today's usage. 

Question: What are the available sources for the aggregated usage file?

Answer: You can upload an account aggregated usage file from all the existing data file sources: Local file, SFTP, AWS S3, Dropbox, Minio.

Question: I uploaded the aggregated data for today and afterward I noticed that the aggregated usage is logged to the day before. Can I resolve it?

Answer: Yes. By default, the integration considers the usage in the file as it was sent at the time of the upload in UTC. You can control it and decide if dates will be converted to UTC or to the server timezone by turning ON a toggle in the integration Settings section.

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