Organize content into folders

Who can use this feature?

  • Global admins, SuccessBLOC owners, and collaborators
  • Users have view access to SuccessBLOCs that are published to a team; additional access permissions to individual SuccessPlays, campaigns, canvas, and objective templates vary.
  • Available on all plans

Creators and or collaborators can create folders within the following SuccessBLOC tabs:

  • Segments
  • Reports
  • Assets
  • SuccessPlays
  • Campaigns

Creating folders in the Global SuccessBLOC is supported only for the Segments tab.

Create a folder

  1. Open the SuccessBLOC you want to edit.
  2. Click on + sign > Create New Folder.
  3. Add a name, description, and location (for sub-folders).
    • Folder names can be up to 255 characters.
    • Up to 5 levels of sub-folders folders are allowed.
  4. Click Create.

Moving content into folders

Select the items you want to move into folders using checkboxes, and choose the folder you want to move the content to.

Legacy content (Tools)

When moving content from the legacy Tools area to a SuccessBLOC, SuccessPlays and campaigns are set to disabled state. Segments criteria must also be updated to reflect the specific team, instead of all teams. Refer to SuccessBLOC access for more information on visibility.

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