Map your onboarding stages

Who can use this feature?

Onboarding stages are represented using a Lifecycle Status attribute type in Totango, which allows you to automatically track the time in each stage. Onboarding stages represent are key phases of the process, during which your teams will be required to complete a series of tasks before moving to the next one. Stages should be fairly high level (4 - 5 stages total).

See SuccessBLOC Setup: Manage Onboarding Projects for more details. We recommend that you map onboarding stages prior to configuring a health profile.

Totango includes a system lifecycle attribute for onboarding stage. 

  1. From the left nav, click Settings.
  2. Within Settings, expand Data Management > Data Modeler.
  3. Search for Onboarding, and click to view properties.
    The names of your onboarding stages appear, listed in descending order.
  4. Disable stages that you don't use, edit stage names, or add your own stages as needed. Drag and drop to re-order stages.
  5. Configure additional properties for the attribute:
    • Display name: We advise against editing this name, as it is seen across many resources.
    • Description:  Appears on hover over, but this value is not required.
    • Flow: Set to the onboarding flow.
    • Dimension: The category for this attribute that will be assigned for weighting if this attribute is used as a metric in a multi-dimensional health profile.
    • Source: Indicates data source. If you set up your data source (CRM/Database) to populate this attribute, it will appear here.
    • Editability: Leave as is. Totango will be the source of truth for the stages, so you will want to allow your teams to update this value manually or via SuccessPlay.
    • Default value: Leave as is. Totango will be the source of truth for the stages.
  6. Click Save.

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