Who can use this feature?
- Global admins, SuccessBLOC owners, and collaborators
- Users have view access to SuccessBLOCs that are published to a team; additional access permissions to individual SuccessPlays, campaigns, canvas, and objective templates vary.
- Available on all plans
The customer experience canvas allows you to model your SuccessPlays and campaigns into tracks that represent your processes, including stage-based (linear) and situational (non-linear) phases.
What you can do with canvas
Canvas includes the following key features:
- Tracks: Model your phases by journey stage, customer segments, or any other logical grouping that makes sense to your business
Cards: Represents campaigns and SuccessPlays that are a part of the SuccessBLOC. Move cards between tracks, click to get full details, and update activation status.
Campaigns appear on the canvas for the following statuses: Active, disabled, or draft. Campaigns will not appear on the canvas if they have been archived or ended (sent once or scheduled to end). Additionally, campaigns will not appear when they are currently pending and have started sending emails.
- Share: Get feedback from your team at anytime during development by sharing a snapshot of the canvas
- Filter and search: Find cards quickly and filter by type, status, owner, and label
- Label: Visualize micro-journeys within your canvas
What you need to know
- You can't remove SuccessPlays and campaigns from the canvas, but you can move them to an Unmapped Cards track to hide them from view.
- The numbers within each canvas card indicate the number of Account (green) or User (purple) filters used. Click on a card to view more details and performance metrics.