Who can use this feature?
- Refer to user licenses for limitations
- Available on all plans
You can save private segments to SuccessBLOCs or to your personal folder.
- The My Folder tab within My Portfolio allows you to quickly access your personal folder.
- You can also find private segments from the search bar.
Any segments saved to My Personal Folder are private and cannot be seen by other Totango users.
Suggested uses for private segments
Public segments are typically related to a SuccessBLOC or a specific workflow (SuccessPlay) so everyone on the team can work from the same sets of data. Private segments are useful for accessing accounts that pertain to your own workflows, such as:
- Create a copy of a public segment so that you can modify the filters for your own use, such as accounts in onboarding where I am the owner.
- Create segments to help you manage check-ins with your accounts, such as upcoming renewals this quarter.
- Create segments based on triggers in customer activity to help manage proactive engagement, such as my accounts that have low license utilization.