Manage notifications

Who can use this feature?

The Notifications tab within My Portfolio allows you to see account activity, such as health changes, new touchpoints, milestones, and more. 

Use notification filters

Filter events by the following:

  • Flow: Filter events by the flow applied
  • Event Type: Filter by type of activity, such as touchpoint, task, campaign, and more
  • My Activity: Filter by only the events that you created


Process notifications

When a notification appears in your view, you can process it in the following ways:

  • Take action, such as adding a touchpoint to engage your team and/or customer, or creating a task for yourself or assign to another user. If available, you may also request information or run a SuccessPlay.
  • Dismiss the notification if it does not require action.
  • Pin the account to your Attention tab for later follow up.
  • Open a preview of the account profile view to view more options.



Question: Is it possible to block some SuccessPlay notifications? I have one play that is actioned frequently, which creates a lot of noise in the timeline.

Answer: No, it's not possible to block certain SuccessPlays from the timeline.



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