Configure a Hubspot integration

Who can use this feature?

A connection is an authentication mechanism to allow Totango to integrate with another system. Each connector has different requirements for connection. You can reuse connections to support multiple integration jobs with different schedules (one-time or custom cadence). 

CRM integrations are a closed system; you cannot reuse CRM connections for other integration families. 

A Hubspot connection is based on OAuth credentials and requires a HubSpot admin permission to install it. You can create the connection right from the HubSpot Marketplace OR from Totango Customer Data Hub.

Refer to the filtering language used within HubSpot's CRM API.

Create a connection from HubSpot Marketplace

  1. Log into Hubspot using an account with administrator access.
  2. Go to the App Marketplace (on the right side of the top bar).
  3. Search for the Totango app.
  4. Review the Totango app details and click Connect app.
  5. You will be redirected to your Totango account. Log in using a Totango global admin user or a user with Customer Data Hub permissions.
  6. Within the Connection details, enter the HubSpot connector name and meaningful description, and click Test and Save Connection.
  7. When HubSpot dialog asks which HubSpot account to connect Totango, select the HubSpot account you want to use.
  8. Click on the HubSpot account name to select it and not any other button on the dialog.
  9. Accept Totango permissions.

You can now schedule a Hubspot integration job using the connection.

Create Hubspot connection in Totango

This is another way to create your HubSpot connector. If you already connected it from the HubSpot marketplace, you should skip this section and start streaming HubSpot data to Totango.

  1. In Totango, click Settings from the left nav.
  2. Expand Data Management > Customer Data Hub.
  3. From the list of active connectors (left), choose CRMs.
  4. From the list of available connectors, hover over Hubspot and click Connect (or View Integrations).
  5. Enter a name and description for the connection (e.g., Acme Hubspot). Because you can have multiple connections with a connector (using different authentication profiles), a name and description helps you identify the connection later.
  6. Click Connect.
  7. Enter your Hubspot credentials when prompted, unless you are already connected in a different tab of the browser (e.g., the OAuth configuration will take the credentials stored in your active browser session).

You can now schedule a Hubspot integration job using the connection.

Create an inbound integration job

Totango allows you to import data from Hubspot for the following Totango objects:

  1. Accounts (customers)
  2. Users (contacts)
  3. Collections
  4. Totango users
  5. Accounts foreign keys
  6. Tasks inbound 
  7. Touchpoints inbound (Notes and Calls)

See this article for step-by-step instructions.

Hubspot objects and query filter

You can filter the inbound integration data by adding a query filter and using HubSpot querying language.

  1. Choose your object for query (contacts, companies, deals, etc.)

    Supported Hubspot objects for importing collections are: deals, tickets, quotes and line items.

  2. Choose fields (see key properties) that you want to get (from dropdown menu) for an object or start to type name of the field:

    Custom object fields are not supported for selection as HubSpot API does not support it. You should choose only fields from the list.

  3. Write the query filter. For example, if you want to filter on deals where 'dealstage' equals 'appointmentscheduled' and ‘hs_lastmodifieddate’ earlier then July 26, 2020 11:59:59 PM GMT then the query will be:
    • No spaces are allowed within the filter text.
    • Due to HubSpot limitation, the Totango-Hubspot connector supports a maximum of two filters.
    • The query APIs are limited to 10,000 total results for any given query. Attempting to page beyond 10,000 will generate an error.

Hubspot's Search API allows for three filtering statements. If the data needs more than this, or if you need to filter based on a different object, you can use a list, custom property, and workflow automation as a workaround

Default field mapping

Each integration job is independent and can have different scheduling and mapping. Mapping templates (object, fields, mappings) automatically default per object, but you can update the mappings as needed.

Mapping templates load automatically when you create a new Hubspot integration jobs for:

  • Accounts (companies)
  • Users (contacts)
  • Tasks inbound
  • Touhpoints inbound

Users (contacts)

Learn more about optionally using a constant function in the integration mapping to specify that each user should be denoted as a contact

Accounts (Companies)

Accounts (Deals)

Accounts (Contacts)

Add a Company Id property to deals object

Deals object in HubSpot, as well as other objects, are missing the Company Id property. Company Id is a required property to connect the entity to the right company, thus it is a mandatory key for syncing data to Totango.

Follow the below steps to configure a workflow, including a trigger and automation that will add the Company Id to the Deals object

  1. Log into your Hubspot account.
  2. From the main menu, click Automation > Workflows.
  3. Click Create workflow.
  4. In the new workflow wizard, choose Company-based, and give the workflow a name. Click Next.
  5. Click Set enrollment triggers.
  6. Choose the following settings:
    • Filter type: Company
    • Trigger workflow when: Associated deals
    • Associated deals: is greater than 0
    • Include objects with no data: selected
  7. Click Test criteria and then click Save.

    Now that the workflow trigger is created, create the workflow automation. This automation will copy the Company Id value whenever a company has deals associated with it. The automation will be configured for a company object that has property "Associated deals" greater than zero.
  8. Click the Plus (+) icon in the workflow chart.
  9. From the Choose an action options, choose Copy property value.
  10. Choose the following settings:
    • Property or value to copy from: Company ID
    • Target property type: Deal

      If you already have an 'AssociatedCompanyID' property in the Deal object, select it in the 'Property to copy to' dropdown. If you do not have this property, click on 'Create a new deal property' the link below the dropdown and follow these steps.

  11. Save the copy property value settings.
  12. Now your workflow is ready.
  13. Click Test.
  14. Review the workflow details. Choose the"Yes, enroll on existing companies as of now" option to copy company id to their existing deals.
  15. Click on Turn On to activate the workflow.

Create an AssociatedCompanyID property in the Deal object

Follow these steps if you already have an AssociatedCompanyID property in the Deal object (see above).

  1. In your HubSpot account, click the Settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  2. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Properties.
  3. In the upper right, click Create property.
  4. Enter the property details:
    • Object type: Deal
    • Group: Deal information
    • Label: AssociatedCompanyID
    • Description: Company that the deal belongs to
  5. Click Next.
  6. From the Field type, choose Single-line text. Select the option to "Allow users to search for information entered to this field."
  7. Click Create. The new AssociatedCompanyID property is available to use.

Create an outbound integration job

You can export data to Hubspot for the following Totango objects:

  1. Tasks outbound (Engagements - Tasks)
  2. Touchpoints outbound (Engagements - Notes, Engagements - Calls)

While Totango may be the main platform for your CS teams, other teams in your company may use Hubspot for activity. Using inbound and outbound integration jobs, you can ensure that your teams have relevant information in both systems for tasks and touchpoints. Every task and touchpoint created in Totango can be synced to Hubspot as Engagement-Task and Engagement-Note objects.

  1. From your Totango Hubspot connection, click +Create Integration.
  2. Click the Export data tab.
  3. Choose from the available objects to export.
    A new integration page appears, based on the selected object (e.g., New Touchpoints Outbound Integration). 
  4. Within the Filter & Preview area, click +More Filters to refine the data set.

    Filtering outbound tasks/touchpoints is restricted to last updated in last 30 days.

  5. From the Destination area, set the following:
    • Object: Set the Hubspot destination object.
    • Parent object: If the object is connected to a parent, choose the parent object.
  6. Click Connect.
    The mapping page is pre-loaded with a default mapping template.
  7. Modify the mapping table if needed, and click Validate Mapping.

    Tasks outbound (engagements - tasks):

    Touchpoints outbound (engagements - notes):
  8. Continue with scheduling and settings.
  9. Click Save and Sync.

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