Who can use this feature?
- Global admins or users with advanced permissions
- Available on all plans
For each source field in an integration mapping, you can edit the source format. This option is often used for dates, currency, and numbers, where Totango will transform the raw data from your file into the formatting you specify.
Edit source field format
- Within the mapping of an integration, hover over a source field (left column) to preview the data.
- Click into the source field for more options.
- Choose the available formats for the selected source field type. This action tells Totango how you want the data to be formatted during the integration.
- If you do not find the format you want, you can create a custom format using preserved letters and signs.
- Click Save.
- Repeat for each source field that you want to format.
- Validate mapping for the integration.
Common date formats
These are the common custom date formats you choose for source field format:
- ISO with UTC format
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00 - ISO with user timezone format
- ISO with UTC timezone format
- Datetime with dots separation
DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss
- Datetime with slash separation and milliseconds
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss:SSS
- Two digits year formats are supported (e.g., 21 for 2021)
- Abbreviated months (3 letters) formats are supported (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
Known Limitations
- Date format does not support formats including AM/PM texts.
- Key attributes do not support source formatting (only relevant to the "Historical clickstream" integration timestamp key).
- Date formats without delimiters do not support adding leading zeros. For example, 2020104 is not a supported format, as it does not have delimiters and missing leading zeros.
- Only UTF-8 currency signs are supported for source field formatting.
Question: Which data sources support source field formatting?
Answer: Only relevant to Data Files and Data Warehouses data sources as other data sources natively send this info to Totango Customer Data Hub.
Question:Which Integration types support source field formatting?
Answer: All integration types support source field formatting (e.g., Account, Users, Usage, Collections, Totango Users).
Question:I have a date format with timezone, every row has its own timezone. Is it supported?
Answer: Yes. The source field formatting you configure must include the timezone mask. For example, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssXXX.
Question: I have this number for over 1,000 -> 1,234.56 and no comma for values less than 1,000 -> 123.45. Which format should I use?
Answer: The right format is US format as it handles the comma separation only for numbers over 1,000.
Question: I have a currency format that includes decimals but not any thousands separator, for example, $1234.56, which format should I use?
The right format is a decimal currency without a thousand separators.
Question: I have a date-time field format in Salesforce (e.g., 2021-04-07T12:15:00.000+0000). Which format should I use?
Answer: The right format is a Custom Date with the following format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.SSSX