Choose your enterprise health calculation method

Who can use this feature?

If you have hierarchy enabled for your account structure, choose the enterprise calculation method to use within the parent and child account profiles:

  1. Calculated parent health method (default)
  2. Sub-account health method

These options apply to both multidimensional health and account health models.

Which method should you use?

In general, use the sub account method if you want to reflect a simple health dependency model, with the option to weight the calculation.

If your account hierarchy structure does not need to reflect health dependency—or if you want to control the specifics of such dependency at each level—use the calculated method. The calculated method relies on the health profile that applies to each account type or other segmentation, including the option to use metrics that leverage hierarchy rollup metrics, account attributes, touchpoints/tasks, etc.

  Calculated health method
(configurable dependency)
Sub account method
(automatic dependency)
Calculated as a roll-up - parent account profiles*
Defined by the health profile all account profiles ultimate child account profiles

*The health widget within account profiles functions the same in all models, with the exception of the parent account profiles when using the sub account method.

Enable sub-account enterprise calculation

Enabling the sub-account calculation automatically calculates parent health as a roll-up of child health. You can define the threshold weight and range to use for good and poor classifications.

  1. Within Settings, expand Data Management > Health Designer.
  2. Within the active health model (Multidimensional Health tab or Account Health tab), click Health Settings.
  3. Choose the sub accounts based on health option.
  4. From the expanded options, choose your preference for how parent health should be calculated.
    • % of contract value: Use the contract value of sub accounts to define health classification.
      • When the sub accounts in good health carry a minimum percentage of total contract value, the parent account is green.
      • When the sub accounts in poor health carry a minimum percentage of total contract value, the parent account is red.
      • When neither good or poor health criteria is met, the immediate parent account is yellow.
    • % of sub-accounts: Use the number of sub accounts to define health classification.
      • When the sub accounts in good health represent a minimum percentage of total accounts, the parent account is green.
      • When the sub accounts in good health represent a minimum percentage of total accounts, the parent account is red.
      • When neither good or poor thresholds are met, the immediate parent account is yellow.
  5. Of the total number of accounts or contract value looked at, choose the threshold for good health.
  6. Of the total number of accounts or contract value looked at, choose the threshold for poor health.
  7. Click Save Settings.

If the health model is active, Totango starts calculating health from this point forward immediately using the new enterprise calculation (may take up to a few hours to reflect on account profiles). Going forward, Totango evaluates health on a daily basis. You can optionally tell Totango to recalculate health historically.

The health widget for parent account profiles shows an automatic calculation:

Parent health ignores child accounts with unknown health, unless no child account(s) have known health.

Enable calculated parent health

Enabling the calculated parent health model tells Totango to apply health profiles throughout the hierarchy using the order and definitions within the enabled health profiles for the active model.

Consider the following when designing health profiles (multidimensional or account health) for hierarchy structures:

  1. Create a health profile for each account type in the hierarchy.
    mceclip3.png mceclip4.png
  2. To add sophisticated health dependency, add roll-up metrics to the profiles defined for parent account types.

    Hierarchy roll-ups require numeric information. For example, if you want to use CSM Sentiment as a roll-up, you must use numbers (1 to 4) as opposed to text (No Risk, Low Risk, Average Risk, High Risk).  

  1. Within Settings, expand Data Management > Health Designer.
  2. Within the active health model (Multidimensional Health tab or Account Health tab), click Health Settings.
  3. Choose the Calculated parent health option.
  4. Click Save Settings.

If the health model is active, Totango starts calculating health from this point forward immediately using the new enterprise calculation (may take up to a few hours to reflect on account profiles). Going forward, Totango evaluates health on a daily basis. You can optionally tell Totango to recalculate health historically.

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