See what's coming soon

The Coming Soon panel within the Help menu (?) in Totango provides a dedicated space to showcase upcoming features. This panel is your go-to resource to see what’s next for Totango.

Where can I find the Coming Soon panel?

The Coming Soon panel is accessible from the Help (?) menu within the Totango platform.

How do I submit feedback?

Tell us with a thumbs up or thumbs down what you think of the feature. To send detailed feedback, use our support AI chatbot to tell us more.

  1. Thumbs up: The feature is important to you
  2. Thumbs down: The feature is not important to you

What items are featured?

While we will update this resource regularly, it won't include every single thing being worked on—just a select collection of some of the highest impact items. So, if you’ve discussed a feature with your account team but don’t see it here, don't fret! We hope this gets you excited.

How do I submit a feature request?

Please refer to our product wishlist portal.

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