Teams API

Who can use this feature?

  • Global admins
  • Available on all plans

Totango provides an API for reading team detail.

Before you begin

  • The user setting up the API must be a Totango admin
  • You need your Totango API token key 
  • Like all APIs, there is a global rate limit of 100 calls/minute for each token
  • For US services, please use
  • For EU services, please use 
  • JSON format is supported for API calls

Read team detail

Read team detail using the following: {US or EU api URL}/api/v2/teams/{team-id}.

  • Replace {team-id} with the team's id.
  • Replace APP_TOKEN with your authentication token.
curl --location '{team-id}' \
--header 'app-token: APP_TOKEN' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


"id": 22286,
"service_id": 123456,
"display_name": "EU Region",
"terms": "[{\"type\":\"string_attribute\",\"attribute\":\"account_name\",\"in_list\":[\"AECOM\"]}]",
"extended_terms": "[]",
"description": null,
"icon": null,
"goal": null,
"color": "#61335B",
"extended_accounts_selection": "team",
"extended_search_enabled": 0,
"type": "custom",
"team_type_id": null,
"include_entire_hierarchy": null,
"members_terms": "[]",
"default_manager_role_id": null,
"default_role_id": "user",
"team_members": [
"id": 1246986,
"service_id": 123456,
"team_id": 22286,
"username": "",
"is_default": 0,
"is_admin": 0,
"role_id": "user",
"is_auto_generated": 0,
"homepage": null
"id": 1712945,
"service_id": 123456,
"team_id": 22286,
"username": "",
"is_default": 0,
"is_admin": 0,
"role_id": "user",
"is_auto_generated": 0,
"homepage": null
"team_role_settings": [
"id": 26622,
"service_id": "123456",
"team_id": 22286,
"role_id": "user",
"can_edit_portfolio": 1,
"default_portfolio_data": "[]",
"default_portfolio_selection": "user",
"default_portfolio_account_types": "[]"

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