Configure a Mixpanel integration

Who can use this feature?

A Mixpanel integration allows you to leverage activity/module usage within Totango. Over time, Totango aggregates the data to give you trends of usage, such as:

  • Show me all accounts (customers) who have or have not used this functionality in the past X(7/30/90/etc) days. 
  • Show me all users (people) who have or have not used this functionality in the past X(7/30/90/etc) days.  

1. Create a Mixpanel connection with Totango

Before you create an integration job, you must establish a connection. A connection is an authentication mechanism that allows Totango to integrate to another system. Each connector has different requirements for connection. You can reuse connections to support multiple integration jobs. 

  1. In Totango, click Settings from the left nav.
  2. Expand Data Management > Customer Data Hub.
  3. From the list of active connectors (left), choose Product Analytics.
  4. From the list of available connectors, hover over MIxpanel, and click Connect.
  5. Add a name, description, Project ID, username, and API key from Mixpanel.

    For the username, enter your Mixpanel service account username. If you do not have a Mixpanel service account, please see this article.

  6. Click Add Connection.

You can now set up a scheduled integration usage job.

2. Create a Mixpanel integration job in Totango

Each integration job requires you to specify the Mixpanel events and object fields that you want to use. Once the job is active, Totango fetches the Mixpanel events (from the day before) and tracks them as Activity/Module usage data.

  1. From within Totango, locate the established Mixpanel connection.
  2. Click +Create Integration.
  3. Click Usage.
    A new integration page appears.
  4. Choose from the available Mixpanel Events that you want to use.
  5. From the Object Fields drop-down, add your User ID and Account ID fields from Mixpanel.
  6. Click Load Preview
  7. In the Map and Format Data Fields area, Totango attempts to map the columns in the data source (Mixpanel) with attributes in Totango (Account ID and User ID). Ensure that the source field (left) maps to the desired Totango attribute (right). 

    Totango also adds a Constant ("Mixpanel") that maps to Totango's module placeholder (e.g., every action in Totango will be mapped to the Mixpanel module.)

    If you've defined custom modules in Mixpanel, you can remove the constant and add your own mapping.

  8. When Account ID and User Id are mapped, click Validate Mapping. The validation must be successful in order to proceed.
  9. The first 10 records that have usage will values appear. Preview the data in the file to ensure it looks correct. 
  10. From the Settings area, set the following:
    • Name: Add a name to help you identify the job later.
    • Description: Add a description for the job.
    • Allow new accounts/objects creation: Allow new records to be created during the integration. If disabled, only records that already exist in Totango will be affected by the job (default).
  11. From the Schedule area, set the following:
    • Run: Choose the recurring schedule you want this job to run. The default is 11p.m. your instance timezone. The reason for this, is so that the data is always delivered right before your daily is processed. It is highly recommended not to change this.

      A Mixpanel usage integration looks at yesterday's data; therefore, the job frequency can run daily (at most). 

    • Sync immediately after saving: Run the job now and then run according to the schedule thereafter, or run it according to the next schedule only.
    • Enable integration scheduling: Allow the scheduling job. If unchecked, the job will be saved in a disabled state.
  12. Click Save and Sync.
  13. The job is saved, and you can monitor upload progress in real time. The sync status changes automatically as the job completes.
  14. Click inside a job to view more details.

Data will be immediately reflected in the UI once the processing is done for the selected job. Learn more about analyzing user-level usage data in Totango.


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