Recipes for Success
Share Totango tips and tricks you cook up. Bonus points for using culinary puns! 🧑🍳
Measuring customer outcomes Pinned Featured
- Kristin Lisson
- Edited
Easy campaign cobbler using dynamic calendar links
- Brooke Meneely
Parsley, sage, rosemary and meeting time tracking
- Erica Waldorf
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Slow-cooker integration: See which accounts are no longer matching
- Kristin Lisson
Transfer values from a text attribute to a list attribute
- Kristin Lisson
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Scrumptious campaign opt-out flows using custom destination pages
- Kristin Lisson
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Health roll-up trifle
- Lydia Render
Date calculations with a field function puree
- Alejandro Torres
Homestyle task effectiveness and a dash of customer health
- Kristin Lisson
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Whisk away incomplete tasks
- Christopher Garcia
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Collection-and-campaign street taco
- Kristin Lisson
- Edited
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