How do I delete collection items from the API?

Thomas Favre-Bulle

Use case: I have a collection that contains a number of active items. By nature, these items will become inactive and I want to remove them from the collection. A virtual collection, setting up an API, is overkill for this specific collection. How can I remove items from a collection or delete all the items, while keeping the mappings, to update only the items that should be visible?



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Shmulik Golan
    • Edited

    Hi Thomas.

    Using the retention policy, you can set up a retention of 1 day for the collection. This will give you the ability to upload, on a daily basis, only the relevant items, and let Totango handle the delete of the non-relevant ones for you.

    You can read more about the Retention Policy here.


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