Release Notes - Ver 20.253- October 2, 2023

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Sync Outlook calendar with Totango 

Eliminate manual work by automatically syncing your calendar meetings to Totango.
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Trigger external SuccessPlays

Run SuccessPlays from external systems, and trigger them automatically based on external criteria.
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Include canvas when copying a SuccessBLOC

When copying a SuccessBLOC across teams, you can now include canvas as one of the items to copy. If a destination team already has the SuccessBLOC, Totango will replace the destination canvas with the source canvas (not merge).
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Bug Fixes 

[Bug Fix] We resolved an issue where the integrations list would not sort correctly.

[Bug Fix] Webhook testing in notification settings returned failed response from a valid URL. Issue is now resolved.

[Bug Fix] We resolved an issue occurred when trying to edit account attributes within user segments.

[Bug Fix] Saving a scorecard that is referring to a segment with a date range filter would fail. Issue is now resolved.

[Bug Fix] We resolved an issue where customers could create a list value identical to an existing value. Now customers cannot create a value that is identical to an already existing value (please note that different casing is considered as a different value and can be created).

[Bug Fix] We added a correct tooltip information in user criteria based SuccessPlay.

[Bug Fix] Account segment-based SuccessPlay retains its unique functionalities, which need to be disabled for User segment-based SuccessPlays. Issue is now resolved.

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