Use the Builder to create, design, segment, and deploy experiences on top of your web application. Once an experience is published, use the In-App Builder Settings to review analytics and performance.
Before you create an experience, ensure you have the In-App Chrome extension installed.
1. Build
Choose what your experience will look like and what you want it to do.
The "In-App" tab must be enabled within the SuccessBLOC for which you want to build experiences. SuccessBLOC collaborators, owners, and global admins can configure SuccessBLOC tabs.
- From within the In-App tab of your SuccessBLOC, click the green plus sign > Create an experience.
- In the Launch window, enter the URL for the website on which you want to build an experience, and click Get started.
The Builder opens on top of your application, in a new tab. Any experiences you have previously saved appear here.
- From the Builder, click +Create a new experience.
- Choose from the list of experience templates, or start an announcement from scratch.
Hover over each use case to see a preview.
- Depending on the experience you chose, you may be prompted to choose a page element.
- Within the experience, customize the design, content, and click actions for each "step" you add to the experience (announcements and tours):
- Modal
- Tooltip
- Hotspot
- Banner
- Highlight
- Feedback
- Optionally define a goal for user actions.
- Adjust the screen size options (if applicable).
2. Deliver
Choose how to launch the experience. You can deliver experiences to your users based on user segmentation, the URLs they visit, by sending them a link, or by calling an SDK function
Before you set delivery settings, create and save a User segment within the SuccessBLOC.
- Choose the launch options:
Segment selector: Choose a segment of users to target the experience. Optionally add in-app user properties to target, such as page views, sessions, language, and more.
See this segmentation article for more details on using in-app segmentation.
- URL rules or events: Url rules enable you to designate one or more URLs where you'd like your tour to appear for users, or based on events.
More launch options:
- Links: Send a links to tours in your newsletters and feature announcements so that your users are always up to date with the latest and greatest from your product.
- Code: Trigger an experience programmatically when a user clicks a button or performs an action in your platform by calling an SDK function.
Segment selector: Choose a segment of users to target the experience. Optionally add in-app user properties to target, such as page views, sessions, language, and more.
- Choose launch frequency (not applicable to checklists):
- Launch one time: Don't launch if user has previously completed it.
- Launch multiple times: Launch for a specified number of times.
- Launch every time: Launch every time, regardless of completion.
If setting an experience to appear more than once, you can also specify if you'd like the experience to be hidden for users once they've completed it from start to finish, even if they are under the view limit you defined. If you include an X option in your experience, users can dismiss it, an the experience will be considered a "quit."
- Choose the launch persistence (applicable to checklists):
- Display checklist on every page until completed
- Display checklist on specific pages until completed
- Hide checklist on specific pages until completed
- Choose launch priority for multiple experiences that appear on the same page.
- Highest
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Lowest
For example, a common use case is to have a new user onboarding tour that starts on your home page. Let's say you also just launched a new feature on your homepage that you'd like to announce. To ensure that your onboarding tour appears first, you could set it to "Highest Priority" and set your new feature announcement to any other lower priority value.
Launch priority applies across SuccessBLOCs. An experience with the highest priority in SuccessBLOC A will appear before an experience with a lower priority in SuccessBLOC B.
3. Save & publish
Choose whether to run an A/B test for the experience and where to publish (set a schedule, publish to staging or live environments). Once an experience is live, view performance metrics and detailed events.
When you segment by Totango attributes, it may take up to 15 minutes for the experience to appear after publishing.
Best practices
Keep tours short and engaging
To see an optimal completion rate, we recommend limiting tours to a maximum of 6 steps. In some cases, keeping tours below this limit can be tricky. We find it helpful to have separate tours for each activation point, with the activation point being the end goal of the tour.
Drive users to activation
Build each tour with an activation point in mind. Activation points are the milestones within your platform that users must reach in order to recognize value. They can also be thought of as the "Aha!" or magic moments. Your experiences should drive users from initial sign-on through a series of activation points over the user’s entire journey from new to power user.
Limit use of modals
Modals can be one of the most powerful tour step types because they demand users’ attention. As the modal pops up and the platform fades out, your user is essentially a captive audience. We recommend using that power sparingly, as users are more likely to stay engaged with the tour if it doesn’t feel obtrusive to their experience in the platform. Modals can be great for new feature announcements, to welcome users to the platform either with text or a video, or to convey important information that you want to be certain your users see.
Personalize experiences through user segmentation
User segmentation allows you to display experiences that are relevant or personalized for a certain type of user. It also prevents users from seeing experiences that are not relevant to them or are about features they may not have access to. The most important users to segment are users who would see a different version of the platform, for example, general users and admin users.
Question: Can I show an experience to only one user?
Answer: Yes, you can segment to one user in your segment selector via their user ID.
Question: I have edit access to In-App, but the Builder says I don't have permissions. What do I need to do?
Answer: You need access to the SuccessBLOC where the experience is stored. This likely means that you are not a collaborator on the SuccessBLOC that you are trying edit. Ask the Totango admin on your team to add you as a collaborator to the appropriate SuccessBLOC.
Question: How does the experience know when a user has viewed it (to not show it again)?
Answer: When viewed, the system stores this value on the user object in Totango’s database as well as local browser storage (as a backup mechanism).
Question: Can I prevent an experience from being closed by the user?
Answer: Although this does go against recommended practice, you can remove the exit icon by disabling the feature to exit on background clicks.