Switch between teams

Who can use this feature?

  • All users who belong to more than one team
  • Creating more than one team is not available in Community edition. 

If you belong to more than one team, you can click your profile image to switch between teams. Teams give you team-based context to different items in Totango, based on parameters for the selected team.


Global admins and users with advanced permissions can create and manage teams within Settings > User Management > Teams. Users must be explicitly added to teams, including global admins and team admins. 

Use team-based context

Refer to the following areas of Totango when switching between teams.

Feature Description
Searching for accounts

Search results may be limited to team account set if extended account search is disabled

Searching for campaigns

Search results may contain campaigns from other teams if enabled by your admin (Settings > General)

Searching for SuccessPlays

Search results may contain SuccessPlays from other teams if enabled by your admin (Settings > General)

Agenda and tasks Tasks across all your teams are viewable in the Agenda tab within My Portfolio 
Executive console Customer Health, Team Spotlight, Revenue Center, and Usage Monitor includes activity within the selected team's scope

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